Create a perfect briefing for your temporary staff: 5 tips

Yay, your shift is filled! What now?
Your temporary worker expects to receive all necessary information at least 24 hours before the start of the shift. The best way is to create a briefing when you post the shift online and automatically send it after someone has accepted the shift.
Keep in mind that the temporary worker may be coming to this location for the first time, so include all details in the briefing. The first shift can sometimes be a bit nerve-wracking for the temporary worker. Providing sufficient information will make everyone feel comfortable before they come to the shift. For the temporary workers who have already been to the location, it's always helpful to refresh their memory with old knowledge.
We have compiled a set of 5 things you should not forget when writing a briefing for your staff.

1. Include contact information of the responsible contact person at the location.
To ensure the shift runs smoothly, it's important to have a person on-site who is responsible for welcoming the temporary workers and ensuring they know their way around during their shift. Contact details of the responsible person should be provided by the location manager, but don't forget to mention their name and contact number to your work team well before the start of the shift. If your temporary workers get lost or are late, there should be someone they can contact directly.
2. Add a Google Maps location.
When you have already linked a location to Google Maps, it saves your temporary worker time from googling the location themselves. If there are different addresses with the same location names, you also save time by answering confusing messages. clevergig gives you the option to use Google Maps directly in the software, making it easy to find the location and the way to it. This prevents your temporary workers from being late or getting lost.
3. Describe the location where the shift will take place.
This is especially important when hiring beginners. It's nice to know what to expect from your shift before you go there. Who is the location intended for? How many people work there? How many customers/patients are there? This makes your potential temporary worker feel more comfortable and gives them an idea of the general atmosphere they can expect.
4. Don't forget to mention what your temporary worker needs to bring.
It's better to come prepared for your shift. Let your temporary workers know if a uniform will be provided on-site or if they need to wear something specific. Don't forget to mention whether there is an opportunity to get food during a break or if it's everyone's own responsibility. Mentioning these little things in advance can unexpectedly improve the work experience.
5. Let your temp pool get to know their colleagues in advance.
If such an option exists, add people who will also be on duty. When you work in a team, it's easier to remember the names of your colleagues for the day if they are written down somewhere. And even easier if there's a photo next to the name.
At clevergig, we have helped our clients fill over 2 million shifts so far. By following these simple tips, your temporary workers will definitely come to the shift relaxed and well-prepared.
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