
The #1 software for security staffing agencies

clevergig is the perfect software solution for security staffing agencies. With automated processes, there is less room for errors and fraud, crucial in the security sector. clevergig ensures that you score extra points compared to your competitors and appear more reliable to partners.

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Diensten verwijderen en weer inzetten kost 2x zoveel tijd en moeite met een andere planningsoftware dan met clevergig. We merken dat clevergig ook voor de gebruiker heel makkelijk is. Je ziet dat er binnen een minuut gereageerd wordt, omdat ze de meldingen krijgen.



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The major advantage of clevergig is its simplicity, ease of use, and the fact that it's 'plug and play.' You can have someone create an account, and 9 out of 10 people figure it out on their own, without any questions. For us, it means that we can work more efficiently and that it's less chaotic.



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Low error margin essential in security

Staffing in security is self-explanatory: the safety of people and property is a top priority. Automated software for your security staffing agency minimizes the risk of incidents and potential damage. Fortunately, with clevergig, you easily provide your clients with a high level of service and professionalism.

Legal standards

Security staffing agencies are subject to strict legal and regulatory standards. With the secure record-keeping in clevergig software, managers can easily check whether the placed security personnel have the required permits and certifications and have undergone background checks.

Outdated systems

Manual work provides fewer control and security measures compared to automated systems. Manual processes often lack clear traceability, making it harder to detect fraud. With software for security staffing agencies, these concerns are a thing of the past.

Unprepared employees

For security flex workers, it's crucial to have up-to-date briefings. With our push notifications, your employees receive updates on their briefing, even if last-minute changes are made. This eliminates the need for planners to call everyone constantly, and everyone is aware of the relevant procedures and risks.

Low error margin essential in security

Calculating irregularity allowances manually for security staffing agencies can be time-consuming, especially with many variables and complex rules. clevergig software can significantly speed up this process, allowing you to focus on growing your agency.

Our software is implemented in employee apps. This allows managers and flex workers from your security staffing agency to easily view shifts, make changes, and submit leave requests, all through their mobile devices. This provides convenience and flexibility in managing their schedules.

Error-free administration ensures efficiency and accuracy in the operational processes of security staffing agencies. Software for scheduling, time tracking, and invoicing reduces human errors and minimises the risk of double bookings, incorrect billing, or improper payments.

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