Transport & Logistics

The #1 software for staffing agencies in Transport & Logistics

Clevergig is the ideal software for staffing and recruitment agencies dealing with regular schedules and ad-hoc services in the transport and logistics sector. With our planning, time registration, and invoicing software, you have everything under one roof. So you can swiftly plan services and have a clear overview at everything within your company.

Satisfied customers from the industry:

Read the success stories of mediation agencies who already use our software by clicking on the logo!

We have a better overview of all schedules, including all information and briefings. All of that in one system, instead of everything through WhatsApp. This saves a lot of time, and the most important aspect is its scalability. Now, everything is managed from one central point. That's a significant advantage.


owner of De Sjouwers

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Transport & Logistics

Reliability is essential in transport and logistics

When working for a staffing agency in transport and logistics, you understand the importance of smooth operations. Making hectic last-minute adjustments is not ideal for critical events and transports. Fortunately, with our software for staffing agencies in transport and logistics, those times are behind you.

Mix of regular and ad-hoc schedules

For staffing agencies in transport and logistics, it's crucial to easily schedule both regular and ad-hoc services. While most software on the market focuses on one of the two, Clevergig offers a complete solution, allowing your company to grow effortlessly in both directions.


Chaotic workflows are unprofessional and hinder the desired speed of operations. Staffing agencies in transport and logistics need reliability in all aspects of work. A responsible, stable software partner takes a significant part of that responsibility.

Lack of modernisation

Modernisation is essential in the transport and logistics staffing sector to meet the ever-changing needs of both temporary workers and employers. With Clevergig software, you can stay competitive in a dynamic market where the ability to respond quickly and flexibly to changes is crucial.

Reliability is essential in transport and logistics

With the increasing number of staffing agencies in transport and logistics, scaling has become more challenging. Your agency needs something unique to stand out from competitors. A user-friendly software that makes your planning faster and your employees' lives easier is indeed unique.

Our software is integrated into employee apps, allowing managers and flexible workers to easily view shifts, make changes, and submit leave requests, all through their mobile devices. This ensures convenience and flexibility in managing their schedules.

To onboard your staffing agency for transport and logistics effectively, we help you quickly become familiar with the features and capabilities of the software. Through extensive onboarding, everyone within your agency can learn to make the most of all functionalities to maximize productivity.

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It has never been easier with our leading software.

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