Tips for a more efficient time registration by your team

It is very important for employers to keep track of the times their employees take a break and start and end their working day, to be able to pay them correctly and fair. That time registration is done all too often through paper forms, with the result of much manual fiddling and at worst even mistakes. The following tips will make the process of time registration much more pleasant and efficient.
Cloud-based system
First of all, it’s about time to throw those paper forms into the wastepaper basket and replace them with a secure cloud-based system. Working with a cloud-based tool like Beeple offers numerous advantages. Firstly, collaborators can pass on and modify their working hours from any location. Likewise, the supervisors can review and approve the entered data from anywhere. By giving up paper forms, nothing needs to be manually entered anymore, which reduces the risk of mistakes. In addition, an online environment makes physical storage for all the time registrations redundant, as a result of which you also save extra costs.
Empowerment of the employee
It won’t surprise you that you can save a lot of time by letting your collaborators register their working hours themselves. That way, the person in charge of the schedule or payroll has more time left for other important things and you avoid discussions about the number of paid working hours or days. Giving employees access to their own overview of working hours also results in a better work-life balance, since they can more easily plan ahead. For freelancers, it is, for example, convenient to know how many hours they still need that month. In Beeple, time registration by collaborators can easily be activated. That feature contains the possibility to have the registered hours approved by a supervisor as well.
Real-time registration via an app
Workplaces do not always have computers available, so collaborators are logically asked to fill in their worked hours online after the working day. In that situation, you unfortunately run the risk that collaborators make a mistake (because they wait a couple of days before entering their hours) or cheat with the performed hours. That’s why we recommend you to let your employees register their hours real-time during the working day through an app. That way, your collaborators can enter their start, break and end hours on the spot from any workplace. The Beeple app contains a sort of time clock function, through which employees can begin and end their working days and breaks with a press of the button. Afterwards, these data are automatically displayed in the overview of worked hours.
Check-in with QR code
Would you rather add an additional control to the time registration process? That’s perfectly possible by using a check-in and check-out through a QR code scan. That scan often does not only register the point in time but also the location , as a result of which you can easily detect fraud. The Beeple app has 2 possible QR scans: by a supervisor that scans the personal QR code of every present collaborator or by the collaborator himself, in which case every workplace has a different QR code. That last type of scan also includes a location registration. The registered check-ins and check-outs can afterwards automatically be linked to the overview of worked hours.
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