Four reasons why a modular tool is the way to go

Modular tools exist of different modules, also called subcomponents, which can work independently of each other. For example, there is the possibility to configure existing modules in different combinations or with different softwares. What are the advantages of choosing a modular tool?
1) Fulfilling organization-specific needs with minimal complexity
By developing as many different functionalities as possible as different modules, a modular tool can be highly personalized. The system can be tailored to the needs and wishes of the end user. The tool, composed of the modules you have chosen, will only consist of those modules that correspond to the required functionalities for your organization. This means that the system is only as complex as the end user wants it to be. No superfluous functionalities and no compromises to be made.
2) Facilitate a unique workflow thanks to integrations
Modules can work completely independently of each other, but there is also the possibility to let different modules work together and integrate with each other. By using a standardized interface the different components can be connected to each other and exchange data. For example, the time registration module in Beeple can be linked to the payroll module so that the hours worked by employees are automatically merged into an overview and forwarded to the payroll partner.
In addition, modularity also enables the integration of different software packages. After all, you can select only one or a few modules that match your current software packages. You do not have to sign for the full package. This allows you to integrate modules from different software packages to optimally support your unique workflow.
3) Ready for growth and change
Modularity ensures that with a large set of modules many different tools can be built. For example, a software can also be adapted flexibly when the user needs additional modules or when certain modules have become irrelevant. The planning tool can therefore grow modularly with your organization. It is perfectly possible to start with a package consisting of a few modules. This package can then be systematically expanded by adding modules as the organization grows and needs them.
4) Financial advantage
You pay what you use. Because the software is aligned with the functionalities you need, you don't pay unnecessarily for features you will never use. The tool will feel custom made. Thanks to modularity, the software provider can realize economies of scale and this will be visible on the invoice. A modular tool will approach a customized system without having an excessive price tag.
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